Become Our Partner

Becoming a Shabach Night Partner is partnering with the move of God and an eternal opportunity to make a mark that cannot be erased in time and eternity.

In Luke 8:1-3, the Bible tells us how some women financially supported the ministry tours of Jesus, as He moved from place to place. Mobility is facilitated by liquidity. Verse 3 of the above scripture, puts it this way: “…Many other women who supported Jesus’ ministry from their own personal finances also traveled with him.”

Partnering with us helps us to take the Shabach Night Event to people and places that need revival. Your Partnership goes where the need is greatest at any given time following what God is doing in any given season. 2 Corinthians 9:13 “For as your extremely generous offering meets the approval of those in Jerusalem, it will cause them to give glory to God—all because of your loyal support and allegiance to the gospel of Christ, as well as your generous-hearted Partnership with them toward those in need.”

Your partnership is will encourage us to keep organizing this life-transforming event and not stop. It will also help us to help those in need, as our president is committed to financially support those in need and not just preach to them, that God’a people will not run to the unbelievers for help. 3 John 1:7-8 “You see, it was their passion for the glory of the name of Christ that launched them out, and they’ve not accepted financial support from unbelievers. They are deserving of all the support we can give them because through our giving we can Partner with them for the truth.”

God will reward and honour you handsomely as you partner with His Move through Shabach Night.